The King’s Scout Award is the top award in Scouting, the requirements for this award need more effort than the Duke of Edinburgh’s (D of E) Gold Award!
If you go the right way about it, by making sure that the you register for the Gold D of E award when you start on the King’s Scout Award you can get both without any extra effort.

To gain the Queen’s Scout Award you must complete the following:
Be aged between 16 and 25 years old and have been a member of Explorer Scouts or the Scout Network (or both) for at least 18 months. This can include time counted towards the Chief Scout’s Platinum or Diamond Awards.
Nights Away
Complete 18 nights away as an Explorer Scout or member of the Scout Network, of which 12 must be camping (this may include nights counted towards the Chief Scout’s Platinum or Diamond Awards). See the ‘Additional Information’ section for more information.
International, Environmental, Values List
Complete two activities from the International, Environmental and Values list. These should be different activities from the Chief Scout’s Platinum and Diamond Awards, and from two different areas.
Hold a Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award OR Complete the 5 King’s Scout Award Challenges
Take up a skill for 6 or 12* months, and show progress and lasting interest. The skill can be an existing interest or something entirely new.
Physical Activity
Take up a physical activity for 6 or 12* months, completing an agreed programme by taking part and achieving your objectives.
Provide service to an individual or the community for 12 months. Briefing and training should be given in order to gain the necessary skills. This may include helping with another section of the movement as an Explorer Scout Young Leader or adult volunteer.
Undertake a 4-day and 3-night expedition in open or adventurous country by foot, cycle, horse, canoe, boat or dinghy. The expedition should involve careful preparation, training, responsibility and review.
Undertake a 5-day and 4-night residential project in an unfamiliar environment with people who are not known to you. This project could be environmental work, activity-based, service to others or personal training.
If for any reason someone has to drop out then it is not possible for a non-Member to take their place in the expedition.
Make a presentation, to a suitable audience, of your achievements in working towards the King’s Scout Award.
All members should complete 12 months in either the skill or the physical activity challenges.
Explorer Scouts and members of the Scout Network who are not holders of a Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Award or the Chief Scout’s Diamond Award must complete an extra 6 months in either the service or the longer of the skills or physical recreation challenges.
Additional information:
Nights Away
Camping also includes using other outdoor shelters, such as bivouacs and snow holes.
Nights away can be counted if they take place: with other Explorer Scouts/ Scout Network members; while undertaking an award for Explorer Scouts/ Scout Network; or while completing an activity contributing directly to the section programme.
It also includes any nights away undertaken as a Young Leader/adult volunteer with another section.
Working For More Than One Award At A Time
An award does not have to be completed before activities can count for the next award. For example, if an Explorer Scout has completed the expedition element of their Chief Scout’s Platinum Award but not the rest of their award, they can begin the expedition section of the Chief Scout’s Diamond Award.
Award Standards
The awards are based on personal best effort and not on fixed standards. Therefore, the quality of the personal effort is much more important than the quality of the content, which will vary according to ability, age and other factors.
Taking A Break Or Changing Activities
If you want to change activities during an award, this is possible, although on one occasion only. It is also possible to take a break from an activity and then to restart from where you stopped. This could happen during a period of school, college or university exams.
Special Needs
If you have a special need it is best practice to make sure that your leader and Commissioner are aware of the situation so that they can support you in gaining the award in the way that is suitable for you.
Like the Chief Scout’s Diamond Award, the King’s Scout Award can be gained in either Explorer or Network Scouts, and should be achievable by all, no matter their physical or mental ability.